MARANATHA CONCRETE INNOVATION EXHIBITION 1.0 is an exhibition of the work of the Final Project students of the Civil Engineering Study Program at Universitas Kristen Maranatha in the CE306-Concrete Technology Lab. Course. The Final Project is in the form of a high quality concrete mix design with environmentally friendly substitution materials from literature studies, because it is in the mass of this pandemic, the results of the mix design cannot be done in the laboratory. Here are 9 groups whose work can be seen in the form of posters and video presentations.

Please click the team link to the following team page.


A1 Team- High Performance Concrete Mix Design with Plastic Bottle material


A2 Team- High Performance Concrete Mix Design with Silica Fume material


A3 Team- High Performance Concrete Mix Design with green shell ash material


A4 Team- High Performance Concrete Mix Design with combined palm ash and tea leaf material


A5 Team- High Performance Concrete Mix Design with sawdust  material


B1 Team- High Performance Concrete Mix Design with  Combined eggshell ash and fly ash material


B2 Team- High Performance Concrete Mix Design with nickel slag material


B3 Team- High Performance Concrete Mix Design with  corn husks material


B4 Team- High Performance Concrete Mix D